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by Deborah Telfer, Ph.D.
Case Studies
Colorado Response to Intervention as a Means to an End - Colorado’s Bold Action to Create a System of Education for All Children
“We...knew from the beginning that for RtI to be effective on a larger scale, it could not ‘live’ in special education. Instead, it had to be seen as integral to improving student achievement.” - Dr. Ed Steinberg
Florida Beginning with the Whole Mind - Florida’s Systems Approach to Response to Intervention
The Florida Department of Education’s mission to increase the proficiency of all students within one seamless, efficient system is reflected in its intentional and coordinated use of a multi-tier system of supports (MTSS) framework across numerous state initiatives—all designed to improve the capacity of districts in the state to support higher levels of learning for all children, including those receiving special education services.
Kansas No Fear, No Mandates! - Kansas’ Intentional Use of Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) to Improve Results for Each Child
Intervening before children fail and intervening quickly and systematically are cornerstones of Kansas’ MTSS framework.
Pennsylvania Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII): A Cornerstone for Supporting Continuous Learning as Part of Pennsylvania’s Standards-Aligned System
In colonial times, Pennsylvania was the middle colony of the original 13 colonies, serving as the keystone—or the “stone in the middle that holds up the others.” Today, Response to Intervention (RtI) has the distinction of serving as the cornerstone of the Commonwealth’s efforts to improve results for all children, including students with disabilities.