
Implement Your Plan

Implement Your PlanIn this section, George Batsche of the University of South Florida offers information about the stages schools go through as they begin to change their processes. Based on her experience working with many schools, Susan Hall of the 95 Percent Group also offers tips to help you anticipate and resolve issues that will arise as you begin implementation. Read "Implementing Your Plan" by George Batsche »

Featured Term

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Process of designing instruction that is accessible by all students; UDL includes multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression, and multiple means of engagement; the focus in creation of UDL curricula is on technology and materials.

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The RTI Action Network has developed a new online planning tool to help educators successfully implement RTI K-6. Now available from Corwin Press! >> rti-online-guide
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Create Your Implementation Blueprint Stage 3: Initial Implementation

Teachers and other staff must learn to do things differently, both individually and also in collaboration with other staff members. This stage is called "initial" to recognize that when teachers first start using these new practices, they may not be completely proficient in their new roles.

Read "Create Your Implementation Blueprint Stage 3: Initial Implementation" »

Create Your Implementation Blueprint Stage 4: Full Implementation

Full implementation is reached when at least 50% of the teachers are performing their new functions acceptably. It generally takes the first academic year for teachers to learn how to administer the assessments, interpret the data, place students in groups, and begin to learn how to provide targeted and effective intervention instruction.

Read "Create Your Implementation Blueprint Stage 4: Full Implementation" »

Using Technology to Enhance RtI Implementation

Response to Intervention (RtI) is perhaps the most significant educational reform initiative in this country in the past 50 years. However, there is a long history of failed educational innovations due to various factors including a lack of supporting research or implementation difficulties.

Read "Using Technology to Enhance RtI Implementation" »

Additional Resources

(pdf) Implementing RTI Using Literacy Blocks with Flexible Grouping »
(powerpoint) Building a Blueprint for RTI Implementation »
(pdf) Self-Assessment of Problem Solving Implementation »

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