
Evaluate and Refine Implementation

Evaluate and Refine ImplementationImplementation evaluation provides evidence of how well the model is being implemented and informs the professional development process. George Batsche of the University of South Florida offers evaluation tools to show your team direct evidence that their decision to implement this process resulted in positive outcomes for all students. Read his article "Evaluating and Refining Implementation." »

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Process of designing instruction that is accessible by all students; UDL includes multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression, and multiple means of engagement; the focus in creation of UDL curricula is on technology and materials.

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The RTI Action Network has developed a new online planning tool to help educators successfully implement RTI K-6. Now available from Corwin Press! >> rti-online-guide
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Create Your Implementation Blueprint Stage 5: Innovation

There is no "RTI in a Box." Instead, it will have to be customized to fit the context of each individual school. For example, whether it is better for an interventionist to "push-in" to a classroom or for teachers to group across an entire grade level depends upon staffing, level of teacher cooperation, and even facility layout.

Read "Create Your Implementation Blueprint Stage 5: Innovation" »

Create Your Implementation Blueprint Stage 6: Sustainability

Sustainability is critical and should be the goal during each earlier stage. The manner in which RTI is implemented in earlier stages will determine the level of sustainability. To a great extent, securing teacher buy-in is critical to the long-term sustainability of this innovation.

Read "Create Your Implementation Blueprint Stage 6: Sustainability" »

Moving From Good Intentions to Good Outcomes: Implementation of Educational Programs

Life is filled with commitments that are made in good faith. When we say we are going to exercise regularly, spend more time with our children, and save for our retirement, we typically mean it. The challenge is that life is a great deal more complicated than reasonable plans and good intentions.

Read "Moving From Good Intentions to Good Outcomes: Implementation of Educational Programs" »

Treatment Integrity: Ensuring the “I” in RtI

One of the main tenets of an RTI process is that evidence based interventions are implemented with integrity, which can be difficult to operationalize and evaluate. This article outlines direct and indirect measures and offers tools that can be used to ensure meaningful student outcomes are achieved.

Read "Treatment Integrity: Ensuring the “I” in RtI" »

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