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Data-Based Decision Making
In this section, Joseph Kovaleski and his colleagues from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania describe a Data Analysis Teaming process and provide a script for team meetings that allows all team members to be involved in planning for every student’s academic performance. The model described by the script is explicit and detailed to help ensure fidelity of implementation, thus improving outcomes for students. Read "RTI Data Analysis Teaming Process »
Featured Term
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)Process of designing instruction that is accessible by all students; UDL includes multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression, and multiple means of engagement; the focus in creation of UDL curricula is on technology and materials. More Terms »
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Examples of Effective RtI Use and Decision Making
This three-part series of articles provides an overview of Response to Intervention (RtI) decision making, how-to RtI examples of decision making in reading, and how-to examples of RtI decision making in mathematics. Implementers who wish to obtain strong effects can use this overview part of the series to identify where implementation efforts can be tightened up for more accurate decision making and stronger learning effects.
Examples of Effective RtI Use and Decision Making - Part 1 - Overview » Examples of Effective RtI Use and Decision Making - Part 2 - Reading » Examples of Effective RtI Use and Decision Making - Part 3 - Mathematics »
Tools and Checklists
Data Analysis for Instructional Decision Making: Team Process Script
This script is an outline of the recommended format for DAT meetings. It lists, in chronological order, the items that should be discussed, typical prompts that encourage discussion and decision making, and suggestions for record keeping at each step.
Download "Data Analysis for Instructional Decision Making: Team Process Script" »
Screening and Information Recording Form
Teams should use the Screeing and Information Recording Form (SIRF) or a similar document to record current student performance, goals, strategies discussed, strategies chosen, students considered for tiered services, and decisions made regarding student placement.
Download "Screening and Information Recording Form" »
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