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Family Involvement
When families and schools work together, student outcomes are enhanced. RTI is an opportunity to bring about meaningful change in family–school relationships, allowing for the creation of engaged partnerships between educators and families through collaborative, structured problem-solving efforts. Read "Schools, Families, and Response to Intervention" by Amy Reschly »
Featured Term
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)Process of designing instruction that is accessible by all students; UDL includes multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression, and multiple means of engagement; the focus in creation of UDL curricula is on technology and materials. More Terms »
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The RTI Action Network is a program of the National Center for Learning Disabilities. FRIENDS of NCLD help support outstanding programs, including the RTI Action Network. Make a donation today! »
NCLD's Parent's Guide to Response to Intervention
The National Center for Learning Disabilities has developed this guide for parents and schools involved in implementing response to intervention (RTI) in the elementary grades. As schools work to implement this new approach, some confusion may arise, so parents should feel free to ask questions and raise concerns along the way.
Read the "Parent's Guide to Response to Intervention" »
Engaging Families in Early Childhood Education
Collaborative problem-solving will require that parents, educators, specialists, and administrators work together to determine appropriate resources and supports as well as specific information-sharing practices that facilitate parental engagement.
Read "Engaging Families in Early Childhood Education" »
A Parent Leader's Perspective on Response to Intervention
This article shares a parent's initial reaction to this "new" process known as Response to Intervention (RTI), which was introduced for discussion during a national level meeting of principals, teachers, superintendents, special education directors, school psychologists, speech-language pathologists, other education professionals, and two parents.
Read "A Parent Leader's Perspective on Response to Intervention" »
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