David Allsopp

David Allsopp, Ph.D., is Professor of Special Education in the College of Education at the University of South Florida. Prior to his work in higher education, Dr. Allsopp was a middle school teacher for students with learning disabilities and emotional-behavioral disorders.

Dr. Allsopp teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate levels focusing on courses related to effective instructional practices. His research and writing interests include effective mathematics instruction for students with mild/moderate learning difficulties, effective practices for developing successful social-emotional/behavioral outcomes for students, learning strategy instruction for adolescents and adults with LD & ADHD, and the integration of technology in preservice and inservice teacher preparation.

Dr. Allsopp has authored or coauthored several books  including Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully: Solutions for Reaching Struggling Learners, (Paul H. Brookes Publishing) and Mathematics RTI: A Problem Solving Approach to Creating an Effective Model (LRP Publications). He regularly publishes in peer-reviewed journals, has published chapters in edited books, and has made presentations at international, national, and state conferences. He has successfully written both federally funded and state funded grants and is co-developer of two free comprehensive multi-media professional development website resources for educators related to effective instructional practices for students with disabilities..Dr. Allsopp is an iTeach fellow at the University of South Florida and serves on the National Advisory Council for the RTI Action Network.

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RTI and Mathematics

October 20, 2011

Join David Allsopp and Chuck Gameon as they explore the application of multi-tiered systems of support in mathematics and answer your questions about key issues including effective instructional practices for interventions, strategies for screening and progress monitoring, and criteria to think about when selecting intervention curricula.