
Browse the glossary below to learn the terms you need to know to successfully implement RTI in your school. This glossary was compiled using the following resources: The RTI Glossary of Terms developed by the IDEA Partnership @ NASDSE, the New Mexico Public Education Department RTI Glossary, and contributions from members of the RTI Action Network Advisory Council.

All | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V

Fidelity of Implementation & Instruction

Implementation of an intervention, program, or curriculum according to research findings and/or on developers’ specifications.

Flexible Grouping

The ability for students to move among different groups based upon their performance and instructional needs.

Formative Assessment/Evaluation

Classroom/curriculum measures of student progress; monitors progress made toward achieving learning outcomes; informs instructional decision making.

Functional Assessment

Behaviors: Process to identify the problem, determine the function or purpose of the behavior, and develop interventions to teach acceptable alternatives to the behavior.

Academics: Process to identify the skill gap, determine strategies that have and have not been effective, and develop interventions to teach the necessary skill(s).