RTI Talk
RTI Talks are live, online discussions on Response to Intervention (RTI) featuring nationally recognized researchers and experienced implementers. During an RTI Talk, experts are available to answer questions submitted prior to the talk or during the live event.
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Since RTI Talks are text-based discussions, all you’ll need is Internet access to participate. You can submit your question in advance of the Talk, or during the scheduled event. In either case, participating is as easy as 1-2-3!
- Click on the title of the upcoming RTI Talk —This will take you to a page featuring a detailed description of the Talk, as well as biographies of the participating experts and additional resources on the topic;
- Type your question in the field provided;
- Click “Ask your Question.”
That’s all there is to it. Once the Talk is live, you’ll see the questions asked and our experts’ answers.
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Please note: Due to the volume of questions submitted, our experts may not be able to answer each individual question.
Archived Interviews
Implementing RTI in High Schools
28 June 2011 | Drs. Matthew Burns, Hollie Pettersson and Rebecca Sarlo
Implementing RtI at the secondary level presents unique challenges and new questions. Drs. Matthew Burns, Hollie Pettersson and Rebecca Sarlo explored the application of multi-tiered systems of support in high school settings and answered your questions about key issues.
School Psychologists and RTI
26 May 2011 | Katie Eklund, MSW and Montina Romero, Ph.D.
Katie Eklund and Montina Romero answered your questions about the various roles of school psychologists within RTI. They also offered tips and examples of strategies to support the effective implementation of RTI based on lessons learned working in local schools.
Speech-Language Pathologists and RTI
12 May 2011 | Drs. Barbara Ehren and Maureen Staskowski
Drs. Barbara Ehren and Maureen Staskowski answered your questions about the role of SLPs in RTI. They also offered tips and examples of effective ways to engage in assessment and intervention activities based on lessons learned working with SLPs in local schools.
Using School-based Volunteers in RTI
13 April 2011 | Audrey Suker and Jason Waite
Learn how school-based volunteers are making a difference in RTI implementation and how you can increase the impact your volunteers are making in your school or district. Jason Waite from City Year and Audrey Suker from Minnesota Reading Corps answered your questions about how they use school-based volunteers in their work and how volunteers can be valuable assets to RTI implementation.
RTI in Early Childhood
30 March 2011 | Donna Nylander and Jim Lesko, Ed.D.
Donna Nylander and Jim Lesko answered your questions about adapting the specific applications of RTI to fit within the early childhood culture and to address the developmental needs of young children. They also offered tips based on lessons learned working with local schools to guide the development of a Pre-K RTI model, as well as policy recommendations to help build the state and local support needed to implement a successful model.
RTI and LD Identification
11 March 2011 | Dawn Miller, Ph.D, and Erin Lolich, M.S.
RTI models hold the promise of advancing identification of and intervention for learning disabilities by linking these two domains. During our last RTI Talk, Dawn Miller and Erin Lolich answered your questions about the use of RTI for identifying specific learning disabilities. They will also offered tips based on lessons learned working with local schools on how RTI can ensure accurate and timely LD identification.
Partnering with Families in an RTI Framework
9 February 2011 | Colorado Department of Education RTI Team
During this RTI Talk, the Colorado Department of Education team answered your questions about developing family-school partnerships based on shared responsibility and shared ownership of student challenges and successes. They also offered tips and examples of materials they developed to nurture the collaborative process through information sharing, problem solving, and the celebration of student successes.
Special Education Within An RTI Framework
14 December 2010 | Ann Casey, Ph.D. and Bob Heimbaugh, M.Ed.
During this RTI Talk, Ann Casey and Bob Heimbaugh answered your questions about the special educator’s role within an RTI framework. Dr. Casey and Mr. Heimbaugh also offered tips on implementing RTI based on lessons they have learned through their extensive experience working in schools to help as many students as possible get what they need.
Implementing RTI In Urban Schools
18 November 2010 | Edward Fergus, Ph.D.
During this RTI Talk, Edward Fergus, Ph.D., of the Metropolitan Center for Urban Education at New York University, answered your questions about using RTI as a means to ensure that instruction is culturally and linguistically responsive to the needs of all different groups of students. Dr. Fergus also offered tips on implementing RTI based on lessons he has learned through his extensive experience working in urban schools.
RTI for Gifted Students
19 October 2010 | Mary Ruth Coleman, Ph.D.
During this RTI Talk, Mary Ruth Coleman, Ph.D., of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, answered your questions about using RTI as a means to ensure gifted and talented students have opportunities to make continual growth. Dr. Coleman also offered tips based on lessons she has learned about meeting the needs of gifted students within an RTI framework.
Building Consensus for RTI Priorities
18 August 2010 | Dawn Miller, Ph.D.
During this RTI Talk, Dawn Miller, Ph.D., Innovative Projects Facilitator for the Shawnee Mission Public Schools in Kansas, answered your questions about getting team buy-in when refining or prioritizing RTI actions for the year. Dr. Miller also offered tips based on lessons she learned working with new and continuing RTI implementers on establishing priorities and facilitating collaboration.
Building a Master Schedule to Facilitate RTI
2 June 2010 | Leslie Van Kleek and Steven Vandemark
During this RTI Talk, Leslie Van Kleek and Steven Vandemark answered your questions about building workable master schedules with the flexibility to respond to student needs at both the elementary and secondary school levels.
Effective Instruction for English Language Learners
20 April 2010 | Drs. Jana Echevarria, Ph.D., and Catherine (Cara) Richards-Tutor
During this RTI Talk, Jana Echevarria, Ph.D., and Catherine (Cara) Richards-Tutor, Ph.D., of California State University, Long Beach, answered your questions about effective instruction for English language learners.
Engaging Families in RTI
17 March 2010 | Dr. Markay L. Winston
During this RTI Talk, "Engaging Families in RTI," Markay L. Winston, Ph.D., Director for the Department of Student Services with the Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS), answered your questions about creating positive, engaged relationships that center around supporting student learning, sharing of data and decision making, interventions, and collaborative problem-solving. Dr. Winston also offered tips based on lessons she learned while educating parents about and collaborating with them on CPS's RTI model, the "Pyramid of Interventions."
Implementing RTI in Middle Schools
18 February 2010 | Ms. Jeanice Kerr Swift and Dr. Lori Smith
During this RTI Talk, "Implementing RTI in Middle Schools," Jeanice Kerr Swift and Lori Smith answered your questions about key issues related to RTI including scheduling; staff buy-in; preparation, planning and training for RTI; benefits to students and staff; challenges, and next steps. Ms. Swift and Dr. Smith offered specific tips for how school teams can work together to introduce and sustain RTI at the middle school level.
Improving Behavior and Student Achievement
20 August 2009 | Andrew Krugly
During this RTI Talk, "Improving Behavior and Student Achievement," Andrew Krugly, Principal of Dewey Elementary School in Evanston, Illinois, answered your questions about establishing a school-wide behavior management plan that emphasizes prevention and positive modeling in order to improve academic performance among all students.
Effective Teaming and Collaboration within RTI
4 June 2009 | Drexel Hill Middle School Team
During this RTI Talk, "Effective Teaming and Collaboration within RTI," members of the RTI team from Drexel Hill Middle School in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania answered your questions about school-wide approaches to collaboration and teaming to meet the needs of all learners within an RTI framework.
Differentiating Reading Instruction Within the Core
23 April 2009 | Drs. Carol M. Connor and Stephanie Al Otaiba
During this RTI Talk, "Differentiating Reading Instruction Within the Core," Carol M. Connor, Ph.D., and Stephanie Al Otaiba, Ph.D. answered your questions about delivering high quality core instruction and differentiating instruction for struggling learners. Drs. Connor and Al Otaiba also offered tips and suggestions for using materials and lesson procedures from the core program to provide reteaching, or additional teaching, to students according to their needs.
English Language Learners and RTI
24 March 2009 | Dr. Nonie Lesaux
During this RTI Talk, "English Language Learners and RTI," Nonie Lesaux, Ph.D., answered your questions about effective literacy and English language instruction for English learners in the elementary and middle school grades.
Enhancing Reading Comprehension within Core Instruction
11 March 2009 | Dr. Annemarie Palincsar
During this RTI Talk, "Enhancing Reading Comprehension within Core Instruction," Annemarie Palincsar, Ph.D., answered your questions about how children who struggle with academic learning can be supported to be successful in the context of ambitious science instruction.
School-wide Positive Behavior Support and RTI
14 January 2009 | Dr. Rob Horner
During this RTI Talk, "School-wide Positive Behavior Support and RTI," Rob Horner, Ph.D., answered your questions about maximizing student learning and the impact of effective interventions by preventing the development and lessening the intensity of problem behaviors.
Family-School Partnerships and RTI
9 December 2008 | Dr. Amy L. Reschly
During this RTI Talk, "Family—School Partnerships and RTI," Amy L. Reschly, Ph.D. answered questions about creating positive, engaged relationships that center around supporting student learning, sharing of data and decision making, interventions, and collaborative problem-solving.
12 November 2008 | Dr. Matthew Burns
In this RTI Talk, Matthew K. Burns, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Coordinator of the School Psychology Program, University of Minnesota, answered your questions about problem-solving decisions made in each tier and the various decision-making rules used in each tier within an RTI model. Dr. Burns also offered tips and suggestions on using data to make decisions about instruction, intervention, and eligibility.
11 September 2008 | Drs. Joseph Jenkins and Marjorie Lipson
In this RTI Talk, Drs. Joseph Jenkins, Professor of Special Education at the University of Washington, and Marjorie Lipson, Professor of Education at the University of Vermont, discussed the importance of universal screening and how it is used under an RTI framework while answering your questions about RTI and Universal Screening.
20 August 2008, | Dr. Dean Fixsen
In this RTI Talk, expert Dean Fixsen offered tips and suggestions to help you apply successful strategies for organizational and systems development, change management, program implementation and administration, systems transformation, and neighborhood development within your school community.
19 June 2008, | Drs. Amanda VanDerHeyden and David Allsopp
In this RTI Talk, experts Amanda VanDerHeyden and David Allsopp discussed "How can RTI play a role in helping students who are struggling in mathematics succeed?" while answering your questions about "Implementing RTI in Mathematics."
22 May 2008, | Dr. George Batsche and Thomas Komp
In this RTI Talk, Dr. George Batsche and Thomas Komp answered questions about "Building Your Blueprint for Successful RTI Implementation" at each of the three primary phases of implementation—consensus building, infrastructure development and implementation procedures.
23 Apr 2008 | Dr. Stanley Deno
In this RTI Talk, Dr. Stanley Deno, best known for his research leading to the development of Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) progress monitoring procedures and their use in the Response to Intervention (RTI) model, answered questions on CBM.
28 Feb 2008 | Dr. Daryl Mellard and Dr. Mary Beth Klotz
In this RTI Talk, Dr. Daryl Mellard and Dr. Mary Beth Klotz answered questions from parents and teachers about legislative requirements and best practices on how RTI can ensure accurate and timely LD identification.
22 Oct 2007 | Dr. Barbara J. Ehren and Dr. Kathleen Whitmire
In this RTI Talk, Dr. Barbara Ehren and Dr. Kathleen Whitmire discussed challenges and solutions for implementing RTI at the secondary level, and shared strategies for bringing effective supports to adolescents through collaboration between educators and families.
26 Apr 2007 | Dr. Jeanne Wanzek and Dr. Sharon Vaughn
In this RTI Talk, Dr. Jeanne Wanzek and Dr. Sharon Vaughn answered questions about features of evidence-based reading instruction, the delivery of effective supplemental services, the importance of collecting and using data to inform instruction, as well as offering vaulable information about the implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI).
24 Oct 2006 | Dr. Mary Ruth Coleman and Dr. Virginia Buysse
In this RTI Talk, Dr. Mary Ruth Coleman and Dr. Virginia Buysse discussed the Recognition & Response approach to addressing early learning difficulties before kindergarten. This approach includes assessing the overall quality of early learning experiences for all children as well as making program modifications, tailoring instruction, and providing appropriate supports for individual children who struggle to learn.
In this RTI Talk, Dr. Judy Elliott focused on what parents need to know about Response-to-Intervention (RTI) -- an approach to identifying students at risk for learning disabilities which has been used successfully in states and school districts nationwide.
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