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Karen K. Wixson
Karen K. Wixson |
Karen K. Wixson is the Dean of the School of Education at University of North Carolina Greensboro. Previously she was Professor of Education at the University of Michigan where she served as Dean from 1998-2005. Prior to receiving her doctorate in reading education at Syracuse University, she worked as both a remedial reading specialist and a learning disabilities teacher. Dr. Wixson has published widely in the areas of literacy curriculum, instruction, and assessment in books and journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, The Reading Teacher, Elementary School Journal, Review of Research in Education, and the Handbook of Reading Research. She also co-directed the federally funded Michigan English Language Arts Framework (MELAF) standards project, and served as Co-Director and Principal Investigator of the U.S. Department of Education's Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA). She has been a long-time consultant to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading tests, and recently served as a member of several National Research Council (NRC) committees, and as a member of the extended work for the Common Core ELA standards. She has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Reading Conference and the International Reading Association (IRA) and as Co-chair of the IRA Commission on RTI.
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