Virginia Buysse, Ph.D., (PI) is a Senior Scientist at the FPG Child Development Institute. She directs a program of research on Recognition & Response (R&R), a model of Response to Intervention (RTI) for pre-kindergarten programs with funding from the US Department of Education (Institute of Education Sciences) and the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation.
Dr. Buysse serves as Co-Chair of a committee that is leading an effort to develop and validate a joint position statement on RTI in early childhood, sponsored by three leading professional organizations in early childhood: the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and the National Head Start Association (NHSA). She is Co-PI of the Center on Early Care and Education Research for Dual Language Learners, funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation). She is also Co-PI on the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion and Co-PI on CONNECT (National Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge), both funded by the U.S. Department of Education (OSEP). She is President of the National Division of Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC); serves on the technical work group for the Evidence-Based Practice initiative within CEC, is Associate Editor of the Journal for Early Intervention, and serves on the editorial boards of many other leading journals in early childhood and early intervention.
Buysse has authored or co-authored over 65 articles in peer-refereed journals as well as several books on evidence-based practice, program quality, consultation and coaching, and a forthcoming edited handbook on RTI in early childhood and another on educational practices for diverse young learners.